January 25, 2010

Beagle Party

Last week Kumquaty and Spikey Head took me to a "Beagle Party". There were loads of furries there and lots of them looked just like me. Plus there were lots and lots of smoothies there who all made faces at me and gave me smelly yummies.

We all had a good group sniff of the place and then a big group run! We played a recall game where smoothies would chant at there furries from across the room and the furries were supposed to run to their smoothy. Well, when it was our turn I couldn't hear Kumquaty so I decided to go check out some of the other furries nearby. Spikey Head said it was ok beacause no one can ever hear Kumquaty, something about her being a "low talker".

Anyways, I had lots and lots of fun and met new furry friends!

Everybody wanted to play with me. I'm Quinn of the Castle!! I was one of the only furries that would go up on this big thing! I don't know what they are all so scared of.

This is all of us!

Action Shot!

January 24, 2010

it stings...

I woke up from my after breakfast nap this morning and wasn't feeling like my bouncy puppy self.
My eyes felt all stingy and sore and Kumquaty said there was goopy green stuff coming out of them and they they were all red.

So, Kumquaty, Spikey Head and I were off in the noisy moving box to the furry hospital. They held me hostage and poked me in the eye a bunch of time. I heard some smoothie tell Kumquaty that I have a "bacterial eye infection".

We're back at home now and every little while Spikey Head picks me up and holds me while Kumquaty holds some white bottle over my head and makes it rain in my eye. I don't mind it too much as it makes my eyes sting less and I get smelly yummies afterwards.

January 22, 2010

My new necklace

Check out the new necklace Kumquaty and I picked out yesterday!

Kumquaty wasn't so keen on the hot pink but I convinced her that I could pull off the look. Plus the little pirate furries keep my bad girl image going strong!

January 21, 2010


Me oh my did I have a busy day today!

Kumquaty woke me up from my after breakfast nap this morning to put on my jackets. Thinking she had plans to go out for a walk, I informed her of my plans and went back to bed. She can be very convincing sometimes and got me out of bed with the promise of smelly yummies and then we walked out to the noisy moving box where I was able to finish off my nap.

When I woke up we were somewhere I had smelled before and it smelled like lots and lots of furries!

We went inside and I investigated the place while Kumquaty mumbled away with some smoothie about my jackets and lunch and other stuff. Then the nice smoothie girl took me into a room that was filled with furries!

I got to play all day with my furry friends at "daycare". There were small furries my size to jump on and run around with. I was pooped and having a nap by the time Kumquaty came back and I slept all the way home in her noisy moving box.

Ooh and a bonus...the smoothies at daycare gave me a lovely blue "bandana" to wear home and Kumquaty and I picked out a new necklace for me! It's hot pink with bones and pirate furries on it.

I just ate a tasty dinner with Snickers and now I'm off to bed cuz I'm spent!!

January 20, 2010

the urge...

The past few days I seem to get this insatiable urge when I jump up on someone to wrap my front legs around them and move my bottom back and forth slowly and rhythmically. It feels rather nice, but whenever I do this I promptly get told to get off the leg I am holding on to and Kumquaty mumbles about how "it's time". Time for what??!!

If it's time to do this then why do I keep getting told to get off?
Darn these smoothies and their confusing rules!

On a side note, Kumquaty says I'm going back to school with her next week, which means I get to see all the smoothies who make faces and funny noises and bring me smelly yummies!!

Oh, I also made a new discovery the other day.

Everyday, the smoothies I live with put all these smelly yummy tasty covered instruments into a big black machine. When they're not looking I like to maneuver in and lick the food off of the instruments I can reach. Well, the other day after coming inside from a good romp I realized the machine was open and none of the smoothies were guarding it. I covertly wandered over to it and made a startling discovery that by jumping up onto the part that opens, I can reach so many more smelly yummy tasty covered instruments to clean off. Unfortunately, jumping into the machine seemed to draw attention from the smoothies and yet again I was promptly assisted off the machine unable to fulfill my smelly yummy tasty cravings!

They even try to trick me sometimes by opening it up and playing with non smelly yummy covered instruments but I'm on to their tricks and know when the really good stuff is in that machine!

January 17, 2010

All grown up...almost

Since coming to live with Kumquaty and her family I realized that I've been loosing teeth and new big teeth have been appearing in my mouth. Well, I've now lost all but two of my little teeth. My mouth has been very sore again. Kumquaty says it looks ANGRY!

All my other teeth fell out and left a hole before the new ones grew in but these last two teeth are a bit more troublesome. My new big teeth have started to grow in on top of my "canines" (thats what Kumquaty says they are). They are trying to push out my old teeth but they don't want to leave.

Oh well, Kumquaty gives my frozen toys to play with that make it feel a bit less sore.

 Soon I will have a full mouth of "big girl teeth"!

January 13, 2010

Cold Sucks...

Yay, it was warm today!

Today, Kumquaty took Snickers and I out for quite a long exploration of the outside world. It was loads of fun. Some big huge yellow noisy moving box went past us and lots of little smoothies got out. I  wanted to go and see all of them but Snickers and Kumquaty seemed to not notice them and kept on walking. They can be rather unobservant sometimes.

Unfortunately, I seem to have come home wet and dirty. My lovely orange jacket is now a shade of brown and I was about to have a good pout about it but Kumquaty distracted me by rubbing me with the soft "towely" instrument and I remembered how much fun it is to play with (something I learned from some smoothies at Kumquaty's school I believe!)

Kumquaty mumbled something about how going for a walk is supposed to tire me out...but what she doesn't know is that I always have a reserve of energy to play with fun stuff (and jump on Snickers)!

January 10, 2010

Maybe the cold white fluff isn't all that bad ...

Today it seems a bit warmer in the outside world. There is still cold white fluffy stuff all over the place but Snickers and I had some fun in it today. I do enjoy a good romp!

Kumquaty always takes us outside separately. I try to sneak out and play with Snickers when she goes out there but I do recall her chasing after me one day. Kumquaty says that Snickers thinks I look tasty when I run around outside so it's best that we go out separately.

I think Kumquaty mentioned something about it being warm enough today for Snickers and I to go out for a walk. I hope she's found something a bit more fashionable to keep my ears warm!

January 8, 2010

Lazy Day

Well, today was a quiet day at home. Kumquaty and I lounged around this morning. I seem to have gotten through to her that its too cold for being outside but she still insists on shoving me out the door to do her "go pee" chant!!

I slept away the afternoon while Kumquaty went to the furry hospital where the smoothy stabbed me a few days ago. She says she got a "job" there. I'm not quite sure what a job is but I'll look into it one day! She seems happy about it, I wonder if she is having loads of fun without me?

January 6, 2010

Quite the busy day!!!

Today was one of the busier days of my little life!

During my after breakfast nap this morning, Kumquaty woke me up demanding that I put on my jackets. I complied and put on my orange jacket and then decided I would let her know that it was still nap time, and that I was not ready to brave the white fluffy stuff outside, so I returned back to bed.

(Oh...on a side note, Kumquaty, Spikey Head, and I chose a new bed to bring home last night. It is much comfier than my old little white one. My new bed is puffy and wonderful to nap on ... who would ever want to leave it to drudge out the the cold white fluff in the outside world!)

Anyways, some how Kumquaty lured me out of bed with her endless supply of smelly yummies and bundled me up for the cold trip in her noisy moving box. Now can I ask you...WHO would want to go out in the cold if this is what they look like??

Kumquaty has devised some sort of contraption to help keep my ears warm, but really she needs to find something more stylish! This look is killing my fashion sense!

So, I was dressed and we were off.

Our first stop was at the furry hospital where smoothies made faces at me and I got lots of smelly yummies to eat. Kumquaty said we needed to go there so that I could get all ready to play with other furries. Lies I thought ... there were no furries in site! Just some smoothy that ended squirting something up my nose and then stabbing me! Smoothies clearly need to learn some manners. What is wrong with a nice tail wag and lick of the face??

As we left the room in the furry hospital where they were keeping me hostage, I saw some strange breed of furry that was shrieking in another language. It didn't seem to pleased to meet with me either. Some breeds are just so set in their ways!

We left the furry hospital, went off into town and stopped somewhere that Kumquaty called "the post office". Now the smoothies at the post office know how to greet a furry! They gave me smelly yummies, made faces, and rubbed me when I jumped up to lick their faces. I think I quite like the post office.

Kumquaty and I went back home and just as I settled in to a great nap, she woke me up and dragged me back out into the noisy moving box. This time she said we were off to meet some furries at "daycare". I didn't know if I should trust her promises of meeting furries with her track record for the morning. We arrived at some building that smelled like lots and lots of furries just like the pet hospital did. After Kumquaty talked with some smoothy and I surveyed the place, they finally brought out a furry! This furry was my size and wanted to play with me. Then I got to meet with more furries that wanted to play! Kumquaty finally came through on her promise. Apparently I passed my "assessment" and will get to go play with furries a few days a week when Kumquaty goes back to school.

After such a busy morning and an exciting time playing with furries I was ready to get back to my puffy new bed and settle in for a good snooze!

I think something is missing...

The past few days I've had this feeling that I keep misplacing parts!

At various times throughout the day I've felt something rolling around in my mouth. It feels very odd to just all of a sudden have something pop into your mouth. I then have to make the decision of how to proceed in storing the item. I often try to swallow it, but sometimes my plans are foiled when it drops out of my mouth and Kumquaty runs over, picks up some little white thing off the ground and makes some ramblings about how I'm growing up so fast.

What's even worse is that I have this overwhelming desire to chew on everything in site, but when I go to do that, my chewy parts are missing and there's nothing to chew with in some spots! Where have I misplaced these parts and why does my mouth hurt??!!

Kumquaty does try to help with this. She grabs some of the cold white fluffy stuff from outside and gives it to me to play with. At least it's good for something, and Kumquaty has proven to be beneficial to have around sometimes!

Before the cold white fluff appeared I used to run around outside and bring all kinds of sticks to Kumquaty. She seemed to like this and would make faces at me. When I would find a really good one she would let me bring it inside to chew on all day long, but the cold white fluff seems to have stolen all of the sticks. Luckily, Kumquaty seems to be resourceful, and came home one day from a walk with Snickers and brought me a lovely stick! Which reminds me, I shall have to thank her... later, for my stick awaits!!

January 4, 2010


As a growing puppy, I need my beauty sleep you know!

I've discovered the most wonderful place to nap...smoothies seem to radiate warmth and it is quite comfy to have a snooze on top of them. I enjoy curling up and settling in for a few hours. Kumquaty says that it is the most peaceful time in her day.

Here are some of my most favorite snoozing moments!

Quinn napping

Quinn napping

Quinn napping

January 3, 2010


I thought it would be a good time to introduce you to the furry that I live with.

I have come to know her as "Snickers". I have won her over a bit since my arrival, she now lets me smell her bum when she is in a good mood. Kumquaty says that she isn't fond of me because I annoy her all the time running around and jumping on her. But who wouldn't??? She is very fuzzy and I love to play with her tail, I do wish that she would just play with me instead of snap at me ... but I will win her over one day! I try harder and harder everyday, but may have to devise a new strategy.

Snickers & Quinn Here is a picture of the two of us. Kumquaty keeps saying that Snickers is the Queen and I am the Princess. Something about Snickers being regal and me being a brat. How rude I say. I can't help it if I want to play with Snickers or that when I play with toys, I like to lie on something comfy. Plus, I would rather be warm than go relieve myself outside. Sheesh! Have you seen the coat on that furry? She doesn't feel the cold!

Snickers gets to do loads of things that I don't. The one thing she could do is play with mee! Goodness!

The New and IMPROVED Jacket

Well, this new and improved jacket could not come a moment too soon!
I woke up this morning and Kumquaty dragged me out into the cold to chant "go pee, go pee" at me, but to my surprise she put me down onto this cold white fluffy stuff. As if being outside could not get colder!

Quinn in her jacket
Kumquaty and her mate Spikey Head took me out in the noisy moving box again and we went to a big building that smelled like hundreds of different furries! I wanted to smell every piece of that place and meet all the smoothies that kept making faces and high pitched noises at me. Kumquaty and Spike Head dragged me off to play with a bunch of new jackets. They seem to have a way of putting theses things on so that I can not get them off. I would have to try harder ... but there were so many things to smell.

The new jacket that I wear is a beautiful orange color and I can RUN in it!! They should have just taken me with them the first time and we never would have had a problem. I am getting quite the fashion sense you know!

Quinn running in the snow!

Blueberry Pie

Kumquaty insists on pulling me outside her home every few hours and repeats this "go pee, go pee" noise until I relieve myself and then she make faces and squeaky noises and gives me smelly yummies to eat. I don't understand why she insists on going out where is is cold to do this. It is perfectly warm and cozy inside and I've found a spot that is quite suitable to relieve myself.

She keeps saying I must be cold and brought me home a blue thing that she somehow attached to me. It would not come off, no matter how persistent I was! Darn these smoothies and their sneaky ways. She pulled me outside with the blue thing on that she calls a "jacket". The wind didn't seem as cold with it on but darn it I could hardly move my little legs in it. I couldn't run around. I decided I should attempt to remove it again. But, it proves to be more of a challenge that I can take on. Blast it!!

Quinn in blueberry jacket
Kumquaty says I look "as cute as blueberry pie" in my "jacket". I think I should be the judge of that, as I am sure I'm cuter. What is this "blueberry pie" she speaks of? I must find out!

January 2, 2010


Wet Quinn A few days after Kumquaty brought me to her home in the noisy box, she picked up the furry I live with (who goes to see Kumquaty everytime she makes a noise that sounds like "snickers") and took her up the jagged hill inside my new home and brought her out all wet. It was as if she had been playing in the rain but "snickers" did not seem pleased. Then Kumquaty scooped me up and brought me up the jagged hill and into this indoor rain contraption and fed me smelly yummies as it rained on me. Then she put some fluffy stuff all over me and it made me feel all nice as she rubbed it in.

After the indoor rain stopped, Kuquaty insisted on rubbing me with some soft green thing and would not let me shake! She clearly in unaware that I can dry myself off! She continued to rub me and when she was done I decided to show her how well I could get the rain off myself. So I shook and shook and looked at her to say "SEE", but for some reason she didn't seem pleased with me and began to rub the walls and floor with that soft green thing. They don't seem to know how to shake.

When we left the room with the indoor rain contraption I walked past "snickers" as she was furiously licking herself to get the remaining rain off. I will have to teach her how to shake better also!