December 16, 2009

The Introduction ... so to speak (a bit late I know)

So, at the point of writing this entry I will be in my 18th week of life.
But a lot has happened up until this point, which I figure a distinguished reader such as yourself would like to know.

Oh my, the places I've been and the strange things I have seen. These smooth two-legged creatures sure do have some peculiar contraptions. But, before we get into all of that, let me tell you a bit about my life so far.

I don't know too much about my furry mom and my brothers and sisters. I moved around quite a bit before coming to live with Kumquaty and her smoothies. Kumquaty tells me that I am a lucky surplus puppy. Apparently, I was born to be poked with needles and have experiments done to me but it turned out that I was "surplus" and sent out into the world to be adopted. When I left my furry family I spent a few weeks at Kumquaty's school before she took me home. Smoothies came to see me all day long and made strange faces and high pitched noises when I looked at them...quite odd but they did always tend to have yummy things to give me so I loved when they came!

Kumquaty came to visit every day and waved food above my nose repeating some noise over and over again. Whenever I would sit down and look strangely at her wondering what in heavens name she was going on about she would finally give me the smelly yumminess and make faces at me and squeaky noises. It seems that resting ones bottom gets you things! Who knew?

One day Kumquaty kept walking in and out of my room at school making faces and then she came over and picked up my entire home, with me inside. How rude, no? She walked around the school with me inside my little home and then we went outside and she put me inside this noisy box, then sat beside me holding a round thing and moved it around as the box started to move. I saw trees and go past and smelled many new things. I kept getting thrown around my home and was a bit unsure as to why and tried to let Kumquaty know that something was wrong by making noises at her but she continued turning the round thing and only looked at me when I stopped making noises. She clearly was not getting the hint that something was wrong so I had to try a little harder to tell her but again she only looked at me when I was quiet. I was getting tired and she was giving me yummy things, so I decided I would have to postpone communicating with her for a bit.

When the noisy box stopped moving and went quiet, Kumquaty left me and came back with a FURRY! A furry I had not met before and I wanted to smell her all over!! We met and smelled noses and I went to smell the rest of her and was rudely told off!! She wouldn't let me smell her bum! Then Kumquaty pulled us off down the road to smell new places. There were lots of furry smells to smell, if only the furry I was walking with would let me smell her!!!

We walked back to where the noisy moving box was and went into a building. Kumquaty showed me around and then me and the furry ate together. I continued to try smelling her bum and she continued to rudely tell me off. Didn't she know I just wanted to get to know her! Sheesh! I would have to try harder to win her over, but I was so tired! Kumquaty put a soft fluffy thing on the ground where I decided I should take a nap!

Quinn napping

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