June 8, 2011

Lucky Dog Rescue Blog: Humane Society???

Lucky Dog Rescue Blog: Humane Society???: "What does the term “humane” really mean? Does it mean kindness, mercy, and compassion? Does it involve a concerted effort to inflict the min..."

This is a great post on Humane Societies. I've come to this realization over the last few years and have been supporting local small scale rescues vs. our big humane societies in the GTA especially since there was such an upheaval a few years ago. In support of local rescues there is a walk-a-thon this weekend that myself and my fiance are walking in to raise money. Quinn and I are walking to raise money for Big On Beagles Rescue while Lexi and my fiance are walking for Westies In Need.

It should be a great event and it's happening in conjunction with Woofstock, which is the largest outdoor festival for dogs in North America. We can't wait!!

Lets go, lets go!!!

Wordless Wednesday

The view looking down from my chair.

June 6, 2011

Oh dear ... the "cone of shame"

Well, Quinn has been saddled with the "cone of shame" and let me tell you she is NOT impressed.

Quinn is dramatic on a good day ... with the cone on she is Drama Queen Extraordinaire! She just sits moping, staring off into space with a little whimper now and then. She can't be her regular mischievous self with it on (licking dishes in the dishwasher, jumping up on beds to steal things, etc.).

The reason Quinn is wearing a cone is that on Saturday morning we were cuddling before I left for work and I found a little scratch/nic/bug bite? under her chin, cleaned it up and didn't think much of it. On Sunday we were gardening so all the girls were moseying around the backyard doing their own thing. When I went to have a look at the scratch to see if it needed to be cleaned after a day in the backyard, I was surprised to see a very large pink bald patch where Quinn had been scratching all day!!!

So, I cleaned it off with some antiseptic wash and tried to clip the hair around it but Quinn would not let me near the "hot spot" with the clippers. I can touch her anywhere else with them and she could care less, but it must be very sensitive. Around 11 last night I cleaned it again and it was starting to get pussy so we are off the the vet today for some antibiotics ... and Quinn is stuck in the e-collar!