April 21, 2010

Muffin Head

It seems that whenever I wake up in the morning or from a brief little furry nap, Kumquaty has a tendency of calling me names!

Her choice name for me is "Muffin Head". She says that when I wake up I have this look about me. Apparently, I look like a muffin because my ears hang low and my noggin sticks up!

Now let me tell you, I got a look at a muffin one day as a snarfed down a piece Kumquaty offered me, and I look nothing like that tasty yumminess!

My head is much cuter and it's FURRY!! Could you imagine a furry muffin?? Definitely not as yummy.

Kumquaty always seems to come up with yummy names to call me. I hope she doesn't take a bite out of me one day in my sleep!

Anyways, you be the judge!

Muffin head ... I think not!!